Dragging and dropping is part of the game now. Producers all over twitter talk about how using tools such as MIDI packs, loops, and even Arcade is cheating. I say, let them talk while the rest of us focus on the important things….
Making a record.
Today while I was trying to come up with a bass line for a track that was pretty simple, I just could not come up with a decent bass line. I sat and let the beat loop for about 15 minutes before I realized that I have a folder full of midi packs. Instead of just throwing one on the channel and transposing it to fit the key of the song I decided to click in the notes. Though I know how to play in different scales, my musicianship just isn’t there yet; its constant work.
Going back to a previous post, I believe that these tools are meant to enhance our production techniques and shouldn’t be solely relied on. Then again, Usher’s “Love in this Club” was all made from loops in Garageband. Even so, a producer should always look to make a record that will consumed by the masses and not just to impress their buddies who sit around all day and watch beat making videos. Not saying there’s anything wrong with it but at some point you do have to work with an artist if you’re trying to reach Billboard.