Why Signing Up for just One Course Isn’t Enough.
There are a ton of courses, videos, and countless tutorials on how to become a better singer, songwriter, and performer. It seems as though every Black Friday there’s another video popping up on YouTube on how you can become a top level singer in just three short weeks. Nothing wrong with signing up for that. In fact, I encourage it. I believe that most artists have a ton of untapped potential just lying dormant. The problem isn’t the amount of courses. The problem is that you as an artist don’t know which one you should sign up for if you choose to do so. Here’s something that none of these gurus and coaches will ever tell you. No matter how much information you research you won’t know which one is the right one for you prior to purchasing it. Basically, you won’t know until you’ve spent your hard earn money and give it a try.
That’s right. It may take four, five, or even six different courses before you find the one that has the information you are looking for. Everyone is different and has different goals. So without a proper consultation the seller can’t tell you what you need to do to improve simply because they won’t know. He/She will have to ask a serious of questions, go the drawing board, and then present you with your own customized plan. Usually those come with a hefty price but if you’re looking to get the information that you need specifically, you’re going to have to cough up the budget.
There are plenty of general courses which basically regurgitate the same information that’s already been out there for free. Whether it’s how to sing vibrato to running facebook ads you can pretty much get the basics without ever needing a coach. Yes, even if you decide not to but want to go up to the next level you will probably need to go out and get that information; which still results in spending money. Look, if you’re thinking that you can pretty much get to a level of becoming a full time artist without spending a dime then you haven’t been paying attention to the market. Everyone has leveled up their game. You can walk into any karaoke bar and hear an angelic voice. They may be able to even sound like a Jennifer Hudson. Yet, she’d rather spend time with her kids and getting enough rest so that she can get up early for her corporate job. If that’s the type of climate you’re in then cutting corners and just sounding decent won’t even get you to the door.
Invest in yourself. This is your career we’re talking about. No, it’s not easy and it’s not supposed to be. When you told your friends and family that you wanted to be a full time artist, singer, or songwriter you basically told them you wanted to live like the one percent. In order to do that, you have to build yourself in a way that is not common. Learn what you can and if you come across some information you already know just move onto the next thing. Be prepared to remain vigilante in finding that next thing that’ll take you to the top.
Stay Hungry.