Why Your Mental Health as an Artist Depends on It
At some point we all find a group of people that we can relate to for the sake of feeling like we belong to a group. Every individual has in them the need to be part of a larger collective. Even if you’re a loner you still long to find at least someone you can call a friend or ally. In this business that feeling has become ever more present. You’re going to meet a ton of people and it’s going to become harder for you to determine who you can trust and who can guide you.
Don’t over think it. The people you’re looking for are probably the ones you respect the most. Tap in with them and form a bond. Even if it’s from a distance that connection will help you along the way. People always talk about finding mentors but I believe finding an ally is just as good if not better. You can share information through war stories and protect one another.
Protect yourself by protecting your tribe.