A Proper Approach for Producers and Artist Relationships
How many times has an artist ran up to you telling you that they need beats only to send an email and never get a response. Now I won’t say that you should be discouraged because they may very well be working on that song, they just never followed up with you. But I ask the question all the time…..how do I know if an artist is serious or not.
Take note that I have had my fair share of getting phone calls about production; even had someone call me at 1am to come to their studio. However, it almost becomes an art in trying to figure out who’s willing to invest. Who’s willing to shell out the cash, or points, to sit down with a piece of your catalog in hopes that they’ll make a hit record. Its simple, ASK!
You have no idea how much bs I had to put up with having conversations where artists are sugar footing around and hyping me up that I’m the next big thing only to find out after 12 missed calls and 30 emails that got no response that not only were they not going to pay or record to the song, they weren’t planning on even writing a song in the first place. We’ve all seen the part-time rappers, singers, and song writers who swear up and down that this is their chance to make their dreams come true. Unfortunately, being on this side of the mic you find out that most people are just full of it.
You can’t really blame them in this current climate we’re in where its so easy to sit at home and make music all day and distribute it online that it almost feels like anyone can do it. Truthfully, they can but they won’t. I’m not here to discourage anyone from pursuing their dreams I’m just stating the facts.
Now again, for my fellow producers out there if you want to know if someone is serious about investing in their music career. Ask, ask, and for God sakes ask again until that paypal notification goes off. You put in countless hours in crafting that track, the least they can do is show their appreciation by giving you enough money to pay for gas to get to the studio.